Thursday, April 18, 2013

johnny depp + the hat

Was he born wearing a hat? Every hat looks like it belongs on his head. His hats look to all be vintage. They are all very masculine hats typically with a wider brim and in neutral colors. I think that more guys should take style inspiration from Johnny Depp. His look is so effortless, grunge, and he shows his respect towards accessories. Johnny shows the world how easy it is to throw on a hat, and it completes the outfit. So guy buy a hat that makes you feel confident and comfortable as if you were born to be unified with this hat.
 wide brim hat + scarf
 my hat has holes in it, and I still look awesome.
hat + colored lens sunglasses + graphic print scarf
hat + vintage glasses + 3 handkerchiefs (because one is not enough) 

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